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Dog Care

Earth Day Special: Pups And Plastic

April 15, 2024

Mark your calendars for April 22nd: it’s Earth Day! This year, has set a goal to decrease overall plastic usage by 60 percent. That is clearly something that includes pets. Right now is a great time to integrate some eco-friendly strategies into your canine friend’s care routine. In this post, a local Cedar City, UT veterinarian provides some advice on how to celebrate Earth Day with Fido. Are Plastic Goods Safe For Dogs? There … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

How to Care for Your Dog’s Teeth

April 01, 2024

Did you realize that dogs can experience many of the same dental issues as people? Toothaches are equally unpleasant and hazardous for Fido as they are for humans. In some ways, they are even worse: After all, Man’s Best Friend cannot care for his own teeth. He also can’t make an appointment for himself, or even tell you what is wrong. In this article, a local Southern Utah veterinarian outlines some common dental disorders in … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Keeping Your Dog Fit

March 15, 2024

Is your canine companion an animated, bouncy ball of fur? Or do you have a four-legged, barking couch potato? Regardless of whatever category Fido falls into, he will require frequent exercise to stay healthy. Of course, doggy exercise routines can differ tremendously. A local Cedar City, UT veterinarian provides some advice on this below. How Do I Know If My Dog Is Getting Enough Exercise? Fido’s weight and physical condition are two good indicators of … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Fido’s Holiday Wish List

December 15, 2023
dog with white fur smiling with its tongue sticking out

Season’s Greetings! Are you still working on your holiday shopping? Don’t forget to pick up a few things for your canine companion! Fido deserves to be spoiled a bit, for all of the love, laughter, tail wags, and affection he provides. We all know that Man’s Best Friend is very fond of toys, treats, and bacon, but what else do you think would be on your pup’s holiday list? A local Cedar City, UT vet … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Canine Enrichment

September 15, 2023

September is Responsible Dog Ownership Month. One thing that is very important to Fido’s health and well-being is providing enrichment. Your furry friend will likely spend between 8 and 14 hours a day sleeping. That still leaves him with at least ten hours a day to fill! A local vet offers some insight on this below. What Is Canine Enrichment? Enrichment, in this sense, means keeping Fido active and entertained, and making sure he isn’t … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

How Do I Keep My Dog Entertained When Left Alone?

June 01, 2023
dog with black and white fur chewing on toy while lying on the grass

As much as we’d like to spend all our time with our canine companions, work and other obligations makes this all but impossible. And while it may be OK to leave Fido alone when you’re gone, boredom and even anxiety can get the best of him. When this happens, you’re likely to return home to what looks like a war zone or worse. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your furry buddy … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Why Is My Dog’s Paw Pad Swollen?

April 01, 2023

If you notice that your dog’s paw pads are swollen, it could be a sign of something serious. But before you panic and rush your pup to the vet, it’s important to determine if there is an underlying medical problem causing those puffy paws.    Read on as a local vet talks about some common causes of swollen paw pads in dogs.   A Splinter   Splinters can be painful, but they’re also dangerous if … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

How Do You Know If Your Dog Is Allergic to Spring?

March 01, 2023

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Your lawn will be green and lush, the birds will be chirping, and the flowers will bloom. But spring can also be a time of sickness for your dog!    Dogs get allergies like humans do, and they can have allergic reactions to all sorts of things in their environment. Read on as a local vet discusses some common signs that Fido may be having an allergic … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Is It Better to Adopt or Buy a Dog?

February 15, 2023

Some people have strong feelings about whether it’s better to adopt or buy a dog. Some people prefer to buy dogs from breeders and other people prefer to adopt dogs from shelters. There are also some people who feel that neither of these options is right or wrong, but rather that each person should decide for themselves which is best for them. If you’re trying to decide what is best for you, read on as … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care

Canine Flu

February 01, 2023

Did you know that your canine companion can get the flu? In fact, there’s an outbreak going on now. Fido’s version, canine influenza virus (CIV)–also often called the dog flu—is an influenza A virus. There are several strains, but the two that are most common in the US are H3N8 and H3N2. These strains are both extremely contagious, and are the culprits behind the current outbreak. A local vet offers some information on this below. … Read More »

533 North Airport Road
Cedar City, UT 84720
t: (435) 586-3400
Also serving Southern Utah, UT and surrounding areas. 

Opening Hours:
Mon – Thur: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 1PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed