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Pawesome Tips For Preparing Your Pet For House Calls

February 15, 2024

Have you ever wished that your doctor would make house calls? This was quite common in the past, but nowadays most medical appointments require physically going to a clinic. This can be especially challenging when we’re feeling under the weather! The same goes for our furry friends. However, while house calls may not be an option for most of us, they are becoming very popular in pet care. And while house calls have long been common for larger animals, such as horses, now even smaller pets like cats and dogs can benefit. Many veterinarians now offer mobile services, including us! A Cedar City, UT veterinarian discusses house calls and shares some tips on preparing your pet for one in this article.

Why Are House Calls A Good Option?

Many people have decided that veterinary house calls are the bees knees, and with good reason. For one thing, they’re very convenient. Many folks are juggling hectic schedules. Having your veterinarian come to you can take at least one thing off your plate! You won’t have to drive, deal with traffic, or sit in a waiting room. These are also great options for people who work from home, stay at home parents or caretakers, and anyone with mobility or transportation issues.

Of course, our patients also give house calls the paws-up! Fido and Fluffy are often homebodies. Cats, for instance, can get very rattled just by being taken out of their kingdoms. In fact, the trip to the vet’s is often more stressful than the appointment itself for many kitties. And even though Fido is generally more enthusiastic about car rides than Fluffy, many pups do get car sick. Moving a big dog from one place to another can also be difficult, especially when the pooch is feeling unwell.

Home visits also offer a more relaxed experience for pets. While it may be common to make light of Fido and Fluffy’s aversion to visiting the vet, the reality is that clinic visits can be unsettling for them. The unfamiliar smells, sights, and sounds can easily overwhelm our furry friends. The presence and scents of other ill or anxious animals often only adds to their unease. While many veterinarians do strive to create a calming environment, most pets would undoubtedly prefer to stay in the comfort of their own homes, where their daily napping routines will only be minimally disrupted.

What Do I Need To Do To Prepare My Pet for a House call?

Your animal clinic will go over the basics with you. These vary a bit from clinic to clinic. If your pet needs to take any medication beforehand, those instructions will be offered on a case-by-case basis. That said, if you’re scheduling a house call, here are a few things you can do to prepare for it.

Have An Area Ready

Your veterinarian will need to be able to handle and examine your pet.  Prepare an area for this. If you have a large dog, the floor will work. If you have a cat or small animal, you can use a table or counter. (Note: This could get a bit messy, so put a towel or plastic tablecloth down first to catch any spills.)

We do have to be able to see! If the spot doesn’t have enough lighting, grab an extra lamp from another room.

Give Yourself Leeway When Appointment Scheduling

Always schedule appointments with some breathing room. If the appointment takes longer than expected, you won’t have to worry about cutting into your next appointment.

Have Any Paperwork Completed

Changing veterinarians? It’s best to have any documents or records handy. Your new veterinarian may be able to get records from your former clinic, but that’s not guaranteed. If you need to fill out any new client forms, get those done before the appointment. Organizing things in advance can speed up the appointment. (Tip: get designated folders to help keep your pet’s things together.)

While you’re getting the paperwork sorted, it may not be a bad idea to upload copies to a cloud storage site. That way, you can access them from anywhere. This can be very helpful in emergencies or when traveling.

Try To Limit Distractions

House calls are generally much easier on both the client and the pet, but they are still medical appointments, and are crucial to your pet’s health! Limit distractions, such as phone calls and televisions in the background. If you have small children, give them with something to occupy themselves during the appointment, such as a toy or game.

Help The Vet Be Prepared

It may be necessary to provide certain information to your veterinarian. For instance, if your house has assigned parking slots, make sure your veterinarian knows where they can and cannot park. Your vet may need an entry code or their name added to a list if you live in a gated community. You may also want to provide visual directions if GPS doesn’t work well in your area.

Wi-fi is another thing. Your Cedar City, UT veterinarian may need internet access to process or upload notes, prescriptions, records, billing statements, and other documents. We can often use a cell phone, but that can be problematic if the signal is poor. There’s no need to share your passwords: just create a guest account. You can always lock it or delete it after the appointment.

Get Your Pets Ready

Now that everything else is set, you also need to prep the patient! Take Fido or Fluffy to a small bathroom or utility room where they won’t be able to get away. You don’t want to waste time trying to get your cat out from under the bed!

Close bedroom and bathroom doors, and prevent access to popular hiding places, such as under and behind beds and couches.

Tire Your Pet Out

Another thing that may help? Tire your pet out a bit. Fido and Fluffy are always calmer after a fun walk or play session. This in turn makes them more relaxed and easier to handle.

Maximize The Time

House calls are often more casual than office visits. This can actually be very helpful! Your veterinarian may spot something that would have otherwise gone unnoticed, such as a poisonous plant or a toy that may not be safe. They’ll also be able to observe Fido and Fluffy in their home environment. These observations can spark very insightful conversations. Feel free to ask questions. That’s why we’re here!

End-of-life Calls

House calls for end of life care have become increasingly popular. We fully understand the pain of saying goodbye to a cherished companion. While there’s no bright side, we can say that many people find comfort and dignity in having their pets cross the Rainbow Bridge from home. This allows your pet to peacefully fall asleep in their own bed, surrounded by loved ones, without any added stress or fear. Planning ahead by choosing a specific date can also make the process easier, by allowing you to give your beloved pet the best last day possible.

In Conclusion: Veterinary house calls are becoming more and more popular. They offer many benefits to both pets and people. To make the appointment go as smoothly as possible, take a few steps to prepare in advance.

 Contact us, your Cedar City, UT pet hospital, anytime if you are interested in scheduling a veterinary house call.

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533 North Airport Road
Cedar City, UT 84720
t: (435) 586-3400
Also serving Southern Utah, UT and surrounding areas. 

Opening Hours:
Mon – Thur: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 1PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed